ARKBK CLBG - Objectives
- To strongly promote the knowledge about the Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom worldwide, as well as actively supporting and creating development programs.
- To promote, organize, arrange and facilitate cultural and artistic exchange programs and activities at national and international level.
- To borrow, fundraise money and resource mobilization in such manner as the company may deem fit.
- Obtain the financial means necessary to implement its development projects within the Limits of its resources.
- To solicit financial, material and technical support from government, donors agencies, private and public corporations, foreign government or mission and well-wishers for the purposes of achieving these objectives.
- To sell, manage, lease, mortgage, dispose of, or otherwise deal with all or part of the property of the company.
- To facilitate information and experience sharing among members and foster exchange of culture across the continent and in the Diasporas.
- To invest the monies of the company not immediately required for its purposes in or upon such investments, securities or property as may be thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) and such consents (if any) as may for the time being be imposed if required by law and subject also as he either after provided.
- To lobby and mobilize aid and grant for the projects of the said members with a view of alleviating poverty in their respective areas.
- To establish, operate, conduct or organize members with a view of providing general education to the communities.
- To enter into, arbitrate and or settle any disputes whatsoever that may arise between members.
- To involve the ability of the youth, women and men catering for individual interests and nurturing the same idea, interest into liable activity for self-determination, self-reliance, development and sustainability that is: Mobilize the youth women and men into serious and promising economic activities.
- To undertake activities that shall cause sustainability of the realized Potentials.
- Fighting financial illiteracy that entails teaching and mobilization of the community about basic financial principles like Book Keeping, management of loans acquired or about to be acquired, separating their business from their daily expenditures and routine demands.
- To give information about resource flows, like government and other financial grants or any other donation from any source.
- Offer indoor and outdoor training to community members about pertinent questions that affects their daily economic and social life.
- To look after, manager house, help children who are destitute, disadvantaged and or needy children by virtue of orphanages, poverty, promote and cater for their basic needs Iike shelter, food, medicine, education, others incidental needs.
- Cultivate, plant trees, train, mobilize the community; stress the need for food and healthy environment and therefore the need for its Conservation and preservation in all its ways. More importantly to the reserve the forest areas and eco-system around counsel lake, stream and riverbanks, swamps and wetlands.
- Offer social research service on family and causation of family breakdown, child abuse, domestic violence and what leads to the street children.
- To carry out all or any of the foregoing objects in any Part of the world, either as principals, agents, contractors, trustees or otherwise, and either alone or in conjunction with any other person or company, and either by or through agents, sub-contractors, trustees or otherwise.
- To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above-stated objects. To undertake and execute any trusts or any agency business which may seem directly or indirectly conducive to any of the objects of the company.